Saturday, December 31, 2011

San Diego Jacksonville Fl. 2670.9 miles in 41 days (Sept 21-Oct 31, 2011)

Dec. 31, 2011 Cross Country Ride

This is my last blog, promise.  This is the first time I have done anything like this, cross country ride and blogging, both have been fun.  The biggest remark I get from people, other than about the ride itself, is you did this by yourself, no one rode with you or no sag (support and gear) wagon coming up from behind.  I did try to get someone to go with me.  I had contacted a few other riders on the internet about their plans, but we either did not have the same dates or routes in mind.  Andy, a local friend was going to go, but he got a nasty gash on his arm two weeks before the start that knocked him out of contention.
Other than six nights of staying at friends houses, I stayed at motels along the way.  Most of these older motels were on the main routes before the interstates were built, they were cheap, but all had wifi and cable tv.  Some of them were not pretty and I spent around $45.00 on average per night for the trip. 
The money we raised for The American Cancer Society stands at $9585.77.
What's next?   I plan on doing a lot of local riding with an occasional multiple day or week ride thrown in.  I've been asked to give a talk to the local Rotary Club, I'm not a public speaker, but it sounds like fun.  Apparently, this ride is of interest to some people.  In the fund raising letter that Kay and I sent out, I stated that this ride inspires the imagination.  Well, this ride certaintly has inspired me and the memories will be with me for the rest of my life.  How about a 20th anniversary ride when I reach 82!  Now that inspires my imagination.  Thanks and God Bless.     Bob and Kay