Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nov 2, 2011

I forgot to mention my last day day of riding.  I left early as usual, it had been raining but it stopped for the first hour of riding.  When it started raining again, it was just light rain and it actually felt refreshing since I was already hot from pedaling.  That feeling soon disappeared when it started raining hard.  This was my first and only day of riding in the rain, thank goodness.  It was dark and raining with traffic, not a good combination.  It rained most of the morning and when I got my eleventh flat near downtown Jacksonville, I changed it in the rain in a bad neighborhood very quickly.  I had already changed a flat in the dark.  Now I still have to change one in the dark while it's raining and I'll  have all the boxes checked off.
     When Kay and I drove out west a few years ago in the spring we would see bike riders out in the middle of nowhere and I would wonder what in the world are they doing out here.  Now I know what they are doing and I am that rider.  During my research for this ride, I read an article entitled "You don't have to be Lance Armstrong to bike across the USA".  The article was right, but you better be prepared physically and mentally, it is a long hard ride.  I hope Kay removes all those books from our bookshelf about sailing around the world.  If you want to try this ride someday, I'm proof that it can be done, just follow the solid white line.     
     I will make one last blog on Nov. 23 to give everyone an update on the fund raising total which is now over $7500.00.   We are still accepting donations, thanks again for all the support!    Bob
    " Life is a daring adventure or nothing ar all".   Helen Keller

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