Friday, September 30, 2011

Top of the World, Az

Tim (Trailer towing Ironman) Kuhn in Superior Az

Day 10 Apache Junction Az to Globe Az 57.6 mi 9 hrs 97 deg 20 mph headwind

Nobody said this was going to be easy. Met Tim and Fay at 5:30 in the dark to start. Route 60 as we found out, is a very busy route to NM, traffic at all hours. 20 mph winds lasted all day long, making even downhills hard. I had to look more than once thinking I may have a flat tire because of the slow speed. By the time we got to Superior Az after about 30 miles everyone was whipped. We decided to stay the night, but after some breakfast I felt better and decided to go to Globe our original destination. Fay was exploring and I did not get to say goodby. The 9 mile ascent east of Superior was steep, narrow at times, and in your face winds.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fitch Field winter home of the Cubs

Rowing on the new lake/river

Day 9 North side of Phoenix to Apache Junction 53.1 mi 7 hr 99 deg

Biked in the dark again for about an hour. Went from Phoenix thru Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, and finally Apache Junction. Rode past Camelback Golf Club and McCormack Ranch Golf Course which Kay and I have played in the past, it sure has changed a lot around here in 20 plus years since we were here. ASU stadium is still here, but it looks like they have damned up the normally dry riverbed into an attractive lake. I was surprised to come upon Fitch Park winter home for the Cubs. Being a Sox fan I thought the Cubs were still at Ho Ho Cam. All city and suburban riding today which goes slow with all the stops. Thanks to Roger and Aline for all your hospitality on my day off from riding.
I can see the Superstition Mountains which is hiding the famed Lost Dutchman's gold mine. Tim, Fay, and I will be riding out that way tomorrow.

ASU stadium

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 8 Day of rest in Phoenix

Talked to Tim Kuhn this afternoon and he will be in Apache Junction tomorrow and we are planning on riding together again.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Roger and Aline Long, Kay cousin

Way to go Arizona

Saguaro cactus

Day 7 Wickenburg Az to Phoenix Az 64.4 mi 7 hr 104 deg

Left Wickenburg at 5:00 am, these early starts are becoming on bad habit. I saw the sunrise over the desert for the fourth straight day. I stopped after sunrise to take off my jacket and put my iPhone on my rear carrier while I changed an adjusted everything, then on my way. Down the road about a mile I checked my front bag as I usually do, no phone! Retracing my route, I found my phone on the shoulder, lucky again. This iPhone is really something, a trip like this makes the price worth it, with GPS, weather, internet, blogging, texting, camera, etc. and it even makes phone calls.
As I came over a ridge I saw 5 hot air balloons in the sky and later near Phoenix I saw one of sherrif Joe' s vans with "chain gang" written on the side. Every election he wins with 85 percent of the vote. Had breakfast at Denny's or as Kay calls then Lenny's.
Staying with Kay's cousin Roger and Aline for a well deserved days rest.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 6 Salome Az to Wickenburg Az 53 mi 6hr 98 deg

Started out at 5am in the dark. Three buses were waiting at a service station, they looked like school buses, then I saw the migrant workers. Where were they going, nothing but cactus around here. Just after dawn, a large cat like figure crossed the road in front of me, too big for a bobcat, could it be a mountain lion? After the town of Aguila, I came upon an area of irrigated fields and I found the migrants I saw at 5am picking muskmelons which I could smell from the road.
It seems like every few miles there is a RV park out in the middle of no where. I think this area could get relatively busy in January. There are long stretches of nothing as far as I could see, or as Kay would say "it's so far out that the owls mate with the chickens", in slightly more colorful language. Mostly long uphill for over 40 miles, nothing noteworthy to take a picture of. The fastest rider from Adventure Cycling group caught up with me after I stopped for breakfast. We rode together for a while then he took off like a flash on his recumbent, young showoff.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Arizona Canal "the coolness felt good"

John " McGyver" bike fixer

Crossing the Colorado River in the dark

Blythe Ca to Salome Az 65.3 mi 8.5 hr 105 deg

One state down! Crossed the Colorado River in the dark at 5:30 am, not what I wanted, but I was trying to beat the heat. The sign on the pedestrian walkway said no diving, I wasn't even thinking about jumping. Rode on Int. 10 two separate times for about 20 miles. Had my first breakfast at 5 in Blythe and my second one in Quartzite Az at 9. That's when I noticed my bike rack was loose an missing a connection. This could be a real problem if it got tangled up in my rear tire. I tightened the other 3 connections and started out. That's when I came upon John "McGyver", picture attached. He works on all kinds of things and put a connection on the rack that is holding very well. He was going to church and said no charge, just pay it foreward, which I surely will. After getting in Az I started to see a lot of sahuaro cactus that I did not see in Ca. Had lunch in a small crossroad "out of Hope", that's what the sign said, on the outskirts of Hope Az. I mentioned to Jason the server about how hot my bike temp was showing, and he gave me the best advice of the trip, don't look at the thermometer. I like his advise. Caught up with 7 bikers from Adventure Cycling Assoc. and they invited me for supper, a real nice group. We are all going to Wickenburg tomorrow. Drank over 300 oz of liquids, and did't seem full.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunrise over the sand dunes

Day 4 Brawley to Blyth Ca 88.5 mi 114 deg 11 hr

This temperature is relentless, especially by 10pm. Rode with Tim and Fay today, started at 3:30 am since this would be a long day, and it was. With lights on we started, one hour later I got a flat and fixed it in the dark. The sunrise over The Dunes Wilderson Area was pretty. Starting temp was 80 deg, starting at 10:00 it went up 10 degrees an hour. Hydrate, Hydrate, and Hydrate some more. I consumed mass quantities of liquids, an unbelievable amount about 400 ounces, had to carry it all. I actually felt pretty good, but hot. Water, Gatoraid, and Gu Shots (an energy gel). Tim had enough at Palo Verde and they stopped for the day. I cannot believe he made it that far with a very heavy load pulling a bike trailer with camping gear. Tim and Fay were great, good luck, I forgot to take your picture. The time above includes all stops and the temp is from my bike speedometer, which at one time read higher, but it was in the sun.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 3 Jacumba Ca to Brawley 60.9 mi 6 hr 114 deg

Met up with Tim and Fay, had a small climb before an exhilarating 11 mile downhill. Almost immediately, my speed was up to 40mph and climbing fast. I put my breaks on and kept it to 40 or below for the rest of the descent, still fast enough for me. Tim had to keep his speed at 25mph because of the bike trailer he is pulling. I didn't see him again until Brawley. At the bottom of the hill the temp was already about 90 deg. The ride down was on Interstate 8 again. The terrain was desert until the Imperial Valley which is agricultural and green due to irrigation. I think I found Elvis in El Centro, met him at McDonalds. He said his name was Herb. I took his picture in video by mistake. When I can figure out how to turn it into a still I'll include it. The temp listed above was at the end of the ride on my bike, but of course it's a "dry heat".

Thursday, September 22, 2011

USA border with Mexico

You can bike on the interstates out west

Day 2 Alpine Ca to Jacumba Ca 52 mi 3 seperate 4500 ft ascents 103 deg

This day was not for the faint of heart. Up an down and up and down again, etc. Wanted to leave at dawn, but I plugged my cel into a switched outlet that was in the off position, so I had to wait until I had at least half a charge, a rookie mistake I paid for by biking in the midday heat for an hour longer. I was going to change my route today by going northeast to Julian, but the owner of The Alpine Brewery who is in a local biking club said that even though Julian was 4500 ft I would be climbing to 6000 ft on that routing, thanks for the info. Biking up the Starved Rock hill really does not prepare you for the climbs of today. They figuratively kicked my ass. Can I say that as a Luthern? Sorry, Pastor Kenyon.
I caught up with Tim and Fay from Pratt Ks in Jacumba, I met them on tuesday as they started a X USA, and we will be riding together tomorrow to Brawley about 70 miles, leaving at dawn. Thanks to Chris Prazen for showing me how to post pictures.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 1 Pacific Beach to Alpine Ca 41.1mi 2000 ft climb 96deg

Cousins Ray and Chris Prazen along with Don (Ray's roomate) joined me for breakfast at Kono's and sent me on my way. Ray and Don thanks for your hospitality. Rode along the board walk then along the San Diego river and Qualcom stadium before going thru numerous towns ascending to Alpine. The picture of 3 is Chris on my right and Jeff Upp Chris' friend from Alpine who asked me to stay with him and his wife Andi. What great friends, thank you very much.
I'm glad to have the first day done with.

In pacific beach at crystal pier 9/21 8am

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A lot has happened

Last Wednesday I brought my bike to the Bike Works in Peru to have a tune up and packed up to take with me on Southwest Airlines, it cost only $50.00 with SWA in contrast to $150.00 with UPS.  Boy am I glad I did.  The chain was worn out and had to be replaced (about 2800 miles) and I had everything adjusted including new tires.  Someone from Ladd called the News Tribune with a news tip about the trip and a reporter and photographer were there to get pictures and the story, it should be in the newspaper this week.

Monday morning Kay and I got up at 2:00 am to go to the airport, everything seemed ok, then it happened.  I started to get a sharp pain in my mouth, huh!  I had to suck on ice the whole way to San Diego for the pain and even ibuprofen didn't help.  The flight attendent gave me some motrin and that finally did some good.

When I arrived in SAN, I retreived my bike and dragged the box outside to start reassembly.  It took about an hour and a couple of hairy eyeballs from the security people before the bike was ready.  I biked to the Pacific Beach area of San Diego where the ride will start tomorrow and where my cousin Ray was going to pick me up in the afternoon.  While I was waiting, I decided to see if a dentists office was near and maybe I could get in.  I found one on Mission Blvd. and walked in to ask.  The dentist would see me in about 20 minutes and as it turned out we had something in common, he was an avid biker.  He asked me about the trip and seemed interested that it was for the American Cancer Society.  Well, after x-rays and examination he said I needed a root canal, which he promptly made an appointment for me with an orthodonist the next morning.  Dr.  Andrew DeMeyer, you one of a kind, thank you so much for treating me and then saying that it was free as your way of supporting this trip, unbelievable. 

This morning I got the root canal done, but this doctor was not a bike enthusiast.  I'm a little sore, hot and cold liquids are ok, but any eating on the right side causes pain.  I will be going tomorrow, maybe biking will take my mind off of my mouth. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I saw Dr. Meier yesterday!

I have some arthritis in both knees, I got a couple of shots of cortisone and I should be good to go.