Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 24 Graham Tx to Decatur Tx 69.1 mi 7 hr 93 deg

I left Graham at 8:30a, thinking it would be a somewhat easy day. I left too late, more hills than I thought, more wind than forecast. Going up one of the last hills I saw Buzzard Billies Bail Bondsman on a sign, I thought about taking a picture but that would mean starting again going up a hill. Not today.
A local at Jonesboro suggested Herd's for lunch, he said they make the best burgers, sounds good to me. They were good and were in business 22 years before the Igloo in Peru. I ate lunch with two Harley guys from Fort Worth, they ride up every month just for the burgers, 100 miles one way. I've been in three county seats since coming into Tx. They all had courthouses in the middle of town with a large inner circle road with ample parking, then the main street on the outside of that, very neat.

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