Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 38 Bonifay Fl to Quincy Fl 75.1 mi 6.5 hr

The restaurant by the motel was not open so I biked to Chipley about 10 miles and had breakfast at Billy's, a small local cafe with a very friendly owner. A pall of smoke hung in the air for many miles, this forested area is really dry and is under an advisory for potential forest fires. I was slightly worried, but the smoke eventually dissipated.
Sometimes when your on the road you start thinking way too much. Today was one of those days. I know I'm getting close and I started thinking about how and why I got here. I thought about my cousin John and brother Jan who both died of cancer and all the cancer survivors I know. I couldn't help it, but I started to cry, big crocodile tears. Pedal and cry, I was in a real funk for about half an hour. I finally snapped out of it when reality sunk in, knowing I still have a lot off hard work before me before I hit the beach. Thank goodness. At a Cottondale gas station stop an architect from Tallahassee approached me. He was a biker who had biked from Boston to Texas twice, apparently he did't get it right the first time, a mistake I will not make. A real nice guy, I was glad he came up to me, we had a nice conversation.

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