Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 40 Madison Fl to Macclenny Fl 86.8 mi 9 hr 77 deg

My front tire was a little low again for the second day, another steel belt wire was in the tire. I think this was number ten flat. I decided not to count the flats, somehow thinking this would lessen the number, wrong again. The temp was 40 to start with and it did not warn up above 50 for two hours. I started in the dark again knowing that the winds were not projected to be strong until later in the day. I finished the first 50 miles in the same time as the last 35. I'm glad I started early, I was slugging it out all afternoon with the wind, sometimes showing less than 10mph on the speedometer on level ground. The last two heavy days of mid 80's have paid off, I'm only about 50 miles from the beach, that's what get-home-itis will do for you. Tomorrow will be a mad dash of city riding which takes longer because of all the stop and go. See you on the beach!

1 comment:

  1. Bob,
    I remember how I felt the last day of riding. Thrilled that it was going to be over and sad that it was coming to an end. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished. So few cyclists ever do the cross country ride.
    Needless to say, I hope you have a fun and safe last day with some or many people meeting you at the end. Congratulations!
